Best Steps For Beautiful Radiant Skin
Good Morning!
Every day, while working with clients, I explain the steps to caring for your skin at home. It's important to know how to use your products, when to use them and what they do. These are general recommendations for most people. These recommendations do not include boosters and other steps that are available for specific issues, it's simply skin care 101 for the masses. At the end of this post you can link to the Beautiful Radiant Skin Products mentioned in this article. So here you go :-)
Morning Routine:
Step 1 - Cleanse your face: with the appropriate Beautiful Radiant Skin Cleanser
Step 2 - Apply the appropriate BRS Skin Softener: Skin Softener is NOT a toner and it is NOT an astringent. In the BRS line this important step does the opposite of what toners and astringents do. The purpose to softening the skin is so the next step of your routine can reach your skin at a cellular level. This step OPENS the skin so it can receive the topical nutrient you will be applying. Our objective is not to close the pores down and then pile on product that will simply sit on top of your skin. Our objective is to open your skin up so it can drink in the next step.
Step 3 - Apply BRS Vitamin-C Elixir to face, neck & chest: This step is absolutely necessary for EVERYBODY, no matter your age. Vitamin-C, at the appropriate percentage, is one of the absolute best antioxidants you can apply topically to your skin. Vitamin-C will protect your skin from the free radicals you are exposed to on a daily basis, both those environmental as well as ingested. The best and most obvious benefit from topical Vitamin-C is that it retards your skins' ability to produce melanin. Melanin is what leads to dark patches and dark spots known as hyperpigmentation. Although Vitamin-C will not lighten dark spots you already have, it will greatly reduce your skin's ability to make more if used daily. This is why it is applied in the morning, to work for you all day while you are exposed to the elements.
Step 4 - Apply your Sunscreen: Sunscreen is a must. You must wear it daily regardless of the weather. In fact, your skin is exposed to the most dangerous UVA and UVB rays when it's cloudy and overcast. It doesn't matter if it's raining or bright and sunny, wear your sunscreen. Exposure to sun is one of the largest contributors to aging our skin faster. Exposure without protection will break down collagen causing early sagging, lines and wrinkles. Sun exposure will result in color and pigmentation problems and will eventually result in that leathery look we're all trying to avoid. Its not a matter of 'if' this will happen with continued exposure but a matter of 'when.' Keep this in mind. Of course it is not only important for the look of your skin, but for your overall health. Skin Cancers on the rise, so wear your sunscreen, SPF-30 or higher.
Night Time Routine:
Step 1 - Follow steps 1 and 2 aboStep 2 - Apply a Glycolic or Retinol Elixir to face neck & chest, avoiding the eye area: Glycolics or Retinols, in high enough concentrations, will exfoliate your skin by dissolving the dead skin cells that attach to the surface. As we age, our cellular turnover rate slows down, causing our skin to hold on to, instead of kicking off, the dead skin cells. When this occurs, you may notice more adult breakouts, dull sallow looking skin, more blackheads and flaky uneven skin tone. BRS Glycolic-50 and Retinol-A Elixirs use very high amounts of natural fruit acids and/or Retin-A [which is balanced with moisture to avoid the dryness that occurs with other Retin-A products]. Only one of these are used, not both. Your skin care professional will let you know which is best for you. Regular use of nightly exfoliators will result in smaller pores and smoother prettier skin. It will expose the fresh new skin beneath. That's where the glow comes from :-)
Step 3 - Apply Nightly Deep Moisturizer: Night time is when your body heals itself while you sleep. Using a deep moisturizer at night is like giving yourself a facial every night. It is undoubtedly one of the most important things you can do for your skin. At BRS we have combined our eye creams into our night creams so they are one, easy to use product. Apply to your entire face, including under the eyes at night and let your skin drink up all the moisture.
You can check out all the products at BeautifulRadiantSkinProducts.com
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